Local offer by Southampton City Council

You can find lots of information about local provision on the local offer website. On the website is information about how to access local information and what services are available. 

Click the link below to access it. 

Local groups

Here are some local support groups which you may find useful 

Food bank vouchers from Southampton City Mission – We are able to make referrals to Southampton City Mission food bank. Please click the link to apply for a food bank voucher. We only need a few basic details. Please don’t struggle. 

Re:Minds – Supports families whose children/young people have Autism, ADHD or other neurodiverse needs and/or mental health needs – with or without a diagnosis. They run various support groups including a specific crisis care one. They offer a range of services and workshops parents can attend. 

Southampton Family Trust – They provide a range of services to improve family stability. They run various course about improving relationships with teens. Promote a culture which accesses support at early stages, rather than at crisis point

Southamptons Carers – Southampton Carers are currently moving to a new host and location. Once they have moved. We will add there details here. 

Useful National Websites

Challenging Behaviour Foundation –Making a difference to the lives of people with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.

Samaritans – Provide a listening ear to anyone who is struggling with any aspect of their lives. They are open 24/7. There are a range of ways you can contact/ communicate with them. Please don’t struggle in silence. 

SENTAS – provides families with Information on home to school transport including the legislation and statutory government guidance that surround school transport. 

This may help – Have a range of self help videos for families on a range of topics including

  • Childrens mental health
  • Eating disorders  
  • Gaming and Online safety
  • School avoidance 

Winstons Wish – They offer support to children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities when dealing with the death of a parent or sibling.