Getting Involved

We are always looking for additional parent carers to get involved with the work of the forum. We appreciate any time that you can give to support getting the voice of parent carers heard. This can take the form of a one off piece of work or an ongoing commitment. Ways you can get involved range from raising awareness of the forum with other parents to attending meetings to represent the views of local families.

We offer a range of support and training to enable you to be confident to do the role you are interested in. We also know that things can change quickly in the lives of parent carers so please do not let this put you off; we have systems in place to support this and you can always stop if you need to. 


Below is an imagine showing how we work and a summary of responsibilities. In this section is some information about parent reps and steering group members role description, personal specification and application forms. 

If you have any questions please email